“DOREI” is the bell which I burn the soil and made.It is made as a local toy, an amulet, or a lucky charm.This DOREI is which modelled the Chinese(Japanese) zodiac.This is the year of the rat.
“Ju-nishi” is Chinese zodiac. There are represented by the 12 animals.According to the old tale, an animal of the twelve zodiac was decided with the turn that came for greetings of the New Year to God.
子 (NE) :Rat
丑 (USHI) :Ox
寅 (TORA) :Tiger
卯 (U) :Rabbit / Hare
辰 (TATSU) :Dragon
巳 (MI) : Snake
午 (UMA) :Horse
未 (HITSUJI):Sheep
申 (SARU) :Monkey
酉 (TORI) :Rooster / Cock
戌 (INU) :Dog
亥 (I) :Pig / Boar